- кем назван(а) (в каком эпизоде)
Принцесса Бубблегум (Princess Bubblegum) -
Чендлером (The one with Barry & Mindy's
Гармоника (Harmonica) - Джеком (Каждый раз
она - со своим отцом)
Монана (Monana) - собой (The one with the fake
Джоан Коллинз (Joan Collins) - собой (The one
with the ick factor)
Йоко (Yoko) - Максом (The one with the monkey)
Сверхъестественная Девочка (Weird Girl) - Лиззи
(The one with the thumb)
Пламенный мальчик (Flameboy) - Фиби (The one
with the fake Monica)
Kicky - Чендлером (The one with the boobies)
Pizon - Чендлером (The one with Ross' new girlfriend)
Злой Близнец (Evil Twin) - Россом (The one
after the Superbowl, Part 1)
Hans Ramoray - Россом (The one after the Superbowl,
Part 1)
Джосеф Стален (Joseph Stalin) - Чендлером (The
one with the fake Monica)
Паноптикум (Freakshow) - Чендлером (The one
with the Chicken Pox)
Holden McGroin - собой (The one with the fake
Nick Finn - Лидией (The one with the birth)
Squirmy - Сьюзи (The one after the Superbowl,
Part 2)
Bing-a-ling - Дженис (The one with the Jam)
Злой ученый (Scarey Scientist Man) - Фиби (The
one where Heckles dies)
Целующий мам (Mother Kisser) - Чендлером (The
one with Mrs Bing)
Обезьяна-мальчик (Monkey Boy) - Рейчел (The
one with all the Poker)
Мальчик-гель (не гей) (Gel Boy)- Рейчел (The
one with Phoebe's Dad)
Amish Boy - Чендлером (The one with the List)
Влажная голова (Wethead) - Доктором Грином
(The one with the Racing Car Bed)
Мистер Большой Выстрел (Mr Bigshot) - Доктором
Грином (The one with the Racing Car Bed)